How digital music production and singer collaborations work (step by step)

How digital music production and singer collaborations work (step by step)

Contracts A split sheet and producer work for hire agreement will be signed. This will outline that the producer will assign all master rights to the client upon completion of the project. The agreements should also outline what rights and royalties will be paid to the producer, whether that’s producer points from the master royalties,…

What is “Future Garage”?

What is “Future Garage”?

The story of Future Garage: a journey into another UK genre that evolved before it peaked As a music producer, I have explored various genres throughout my journey, but none have resonated with me as deeply as Future Garage. Future Garage is my “home genre” – a place where I always feel safe and can…

The art of music production: why an artist needs a music producer

The art of music production: why an artist needs a music producer

Introduction In the digital age, artists are encouraged to do everything themselves, from production to distribution. On the production side, I have noticed a significant increase in the number of artist bios changing from “singer” to “singer-songwriter” to “singer-songwriter / topliner / vocalist” and eventually to “singer-songwriter / topliner / vocalist / producer” in the…