You must compete directly with the major labels to win in the attention economy

You must compete directly with the major labels to win in the attention economy

There is a common belief that the music industry does not adhere to the principles of supply and demand. Many people believe that entertainment can be consumed in unlimited quantities, and because art is subjective, there is a market for everyone. While there is some truth to this belief, the success and influence of major…

Understanding music industry market share: a guide for independent artists, labels, and music tech startups

Understanding music industry market share: a guide for independent artists, labels, and music tech startups

What is the music industry market share? Market share in the music industry refers to the percentage of total market revenue attributed to different entities or segments within the industry. This measure enables comparison of the relative size and market presence of companies, genres, or distribution channels in the music market. The first step is…

How to make a good song (using nursery rhymes and elite music snobbery)

How to make a good song (using nursery rhymes and elite music snobbery)

Numerous articles discuss how to create a good song from a technical standpoint, examining lyric writing, catchy melodies, chord structure, and arrangement. However, this article takes a step back to ask, “who am I creating this music for?” Our musical perspectives are often influenced by others’ opinions, be it our peers or society/culture as a…

Why the “marketing over music” narrative is a virus

Why the “marketing over music” narrative is a virus

Music marketing virus Recently, many content creators in the music industry have been spreading the idea that to be successful, an artist must prioritise marketing over their music. However, I believe this is simply not true for a variety of reasons, which I will explain below. I break down several reasons why focusing on music…