Understanding music industry market share: a guide for independent artists, labels, and music tech startups

Understanding music industry market share: a guide for independent artists, labels, and music tech startups

What is the music industry market share? Market share in the music industry refers to the percentage of total market revenue attributed to different entities or segments within the industry. This measure enables comparison of the relative size and market presence of companies, genres, or distribution channels in the music market. The first step is…

What is “Future Garage”?

What is “Future Garage”?

The story of Future Garage: a journey into another UK genre that evolved before it peaked As a music producer, I have explored various genres throughout my journey, but none have resonated with me as deeply as Future Garage. Future Garage is my “home genre” – a place where I always feel safe and can…

The art of music production: why an artist needs a music producer

The art of music production: why an artist needs a music producer

Introduction In the digital age, artists are encouraged to do everything themselves, from production to distribution. On the production side, I have noticed a significant increase in the number of artist bios changing from “singer” to “singer-songwriter” to “singer-songwriter / topliner / vocalist” and eventually to “singer-songwriter / topliner / vocalist / producer” in the…

How to make a good song (using nursery rhymes and elite music snobbery)

How to make a good song (using nursery rhymes and elite music snobbery)

Numerous articles discuss how to create a good song from a technical standpoint, examining lyric writing, catchy melodies, chord structure, and arrangement. However, this article takes a step back to ask, “who am I creating this music for?” Our musical perspectives are often influenced by others’ opinions, be it our peers or society/culture as a…

I’m a vegetarian: here’s why

I’m a vegetarian: here’s why

Edit (24/07/2023): I’ve come back to edit this blog post 7 months after making the decision to practice vegetarianism to more holistically reflect how I feel about it now that I truly identify with it. TLDR; I have witnessed fit, strong and healthy people who abstain from animal products, so I know it is possible and that…

I’m re-approaching how I use social media in the music industry, here’s how

I’m re-approaching how I use social media in the music industry, here’s how

It’s easy to see and comment on how consuming social media can be for artists, who arguably should (and want to) spend more time making music and having genuine interactions with fans. I don’t believe in the pressure on artists to also have to have strong social media to succeed in the modern music industry….

Why the “marketing over music” narrative is a virus

Why the “marketing over music” narrative is a virus

Music marketing virus Recently, many content creators in the music industry have been spreading the idea that to be successful, an artist must prioritise marketing over their music. However, I believe this is simply not true for a variety of reasons, which I will explain below. I break down several reasons why focusing on music…

My dystopian techno-nightmare

My dystopian techno-nightmare

I get distracted a lot by dystopian fear. Maybe it’s time I stopped envisioning the metaverse as an escapist reeling tape of dopamine and TikTok dances on virtual animated billboards ignored by thot-slot-machine-addicted avatars. All the while the sky turns red in the real world, birds fall and the dawn chorus stops. On the tube…

Why is compiling an old familiar soundtrack in sync and music supervision considered such a good thing?

Why is compiling an old familiar soundtrack in sync and music supervision considered such a good thing?

Something that always really annoys me in sync (but, admittedly, never seems to bother other film fans who aren’t “in music”) is when I hear classic major artists and hits, being used again (and again, and again). Whenever I’ve watched a movie and I feel a bit miffed that I’ve heard all of the artists…