“Jobs” have been a broken concept for a long while now. Tech could save us, but it won’t.

“Jobs” have been a broken concept for a long while now. Tech could save us, but it won’t.

About 13 years ago, after graduating with a degree in music production, I faced my first issue. Potential jobs were a 40-minute-plus train ride away in Brighton, the nearest city. However, the studio positions were hardly ever available, as people who secured these jobs tended not to leave. Despite my initial disappointment, my ambition and…

My book is about finding truth and meaning in a music industry that doesn’t care about art

My book is about finding truth and meaning in a music industry that doesn’t care about art

What does being an artist really mean? Is the concept of work serving the human race? Is there any meaningful value of work beyond paying to live? Why do artists gravitate towards wanting to make their passion their job? How can artists navigate these complexities? When considering the identity of an artist, it seems essential…

How digital music production and singer collaborations work (step by step)

How digital music production and singer collaborations work (step by step)

Contracts A split sheet and producer work for hire agreement will be signed. This will outline that the producer will assign all master rights to the client upon completion of the project. The agreements should also outline what rights and royalties will be paid to the producer, whether that’s producer points from the master royalties,…

How I stopped LinkedIn hijacking my attention and creativity so I can stay focused on artist development and music production

How I stopped LinkedIn hijacking my attention and creativity so I can stay focused on artist development and music production

What’s wrong with content lately? I’ve taken a stand against generic and culturally self-validated information hijacking my attention and battering my subconscious with things I should believe, and advice for how to do things. I believe that tools like GPT have awoken a new level of brutality in me when it comes to not accepting…

How to transcribe YouTube videos with ChatGPT to save hundreds of hours of your life

How to transcribe YouTube videos with ChatGPT to save hundreds of hours of your life

Cutting out time-wasting activities is one of my favourite things to do, and few things are as time-consuming as the fluff in the attention economy. Fluff is actually worse than blatant time-wasters in the entertainment world because it gives the illusion of learning something, when in reality it often just reinforces existing beliefs. If content…

You must compete directly with the major labels to win in the attention economy

You must compete directly with the major labels to win in the attention economy

There is a common belief that the music industry does not adhere to the principles of supply and demand. Many people believe that entertainment can be consumed in unlimited quantities, and because art is subjective, there is a market for everyone. While there is some truth to this belief, the success and influence of major…

How to gain music industry market share as an independent artist

How to gain music industry market share as an independent artist

Strategies for market share and listener retention in the attention economy of music For artists and creative individuals, it may seem odd to think of listeners and fans in terms of a competitive business concept, such as “market share”. However, adopting this perspective is the only intentional approach to go beyond simply uploading your music…

Understanding music industry market share: a guide for independent artists, labels, and music tech startups

Understanding music industry market share: a guide for independent artists, labels, and music tech startups

What is the music industry market share? Market share in the music industry refers to the percentage of total market revenue attributed to different entities or segments within the industry. This measure enables comparison of the relative size and market presence of companies, genres, or distribution channels in the music market. The first step is…