Music business content marketing from Smithy

Music businesses and music tech companies should position themselves as genuine educators in the industry. They need a long-form music business content strategy.

This strategy has multiple benefits, including improving SEO and attracting the target audience’s attention through social media. It is also a way to highlight the relevance of your product or service to music industry buyers.

Hiring marketing managers can be costly, and having them in-house may not always be the most efficient way to go from having little to no content to achieving brand awareness goals.

Welcome to my music business content marketing service! I offer a range of services to help music businesses grow their brand exposure and reach their target audience. My service includes a content marketing strategy for platforms designed for musicians, producers, and other audio professionals. 

My strategy includes a staged approach, starting with experimenting with content targeting a selection of market segments, reviewing the results, and then assessing how to proceed as a more long-term strategy. 

I specialise in written long-form music industry content and have a strong following and reader base for this content. Beyond written content, I am also a specialist in strategy for content forms in other mediums targeting the music industry. My services include product development, growth hacking, customer success, and business development.

I offer a range of services to help your music business grow, including a full SEO audit, case study content strategy, bi-weekly articles for one year, and backlink pitching for written articles. 

Full SEO audit

My full SEO audit includes a comprehensive evaluation of your website to assess its ability to appear in search engine results pages (SERPs). It includes technical analysis, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, keyword analysis, competitive analysis, user experience (UX), content audit, social signals, analytics, security, compliance, and recommendations. An SEO audit can be a one-time project, but it’s often most effective when part of an ongoing SEO strategy. It provides valuable insights into the health of your website and where improvements can be made.

Case study management and marketing

Case studies and a content strategy surrounding them would be most useful in phase 2 of the project, once a full SEO audit has taken place and case studies can be included in the ongoing blog strategy, aligned with key milestones and market segmented campaigns.

Honest timescales, real strategy, metrics and accountability

Fast-tracking SEO growth is unfortunately not a fast endeavor, and startups often realize that even if they’re told there are hacks, there’s always the eventual recognition that long-term consistency is the only way to see SEO improvements. Once phase 2 and 3 are completed, I will have an extremely deep level of insight into what works and what doesn’t for blog growth. Additionally, I will have a properly audited and optimised site to set a foundation for future content to grow from.

My prices are competitive and offer a 15% discount if the total cost is paid upfront. Contact me today to learn more about my music business content marketing services!

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